Airshow Review: The Great New England Airshow 2015

C-5 Galaxy of the 439th Airlift Wing, 337th Airlift Squadron

Our first official airshow event of the year was The Great New England Airshow at Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee, MA, and I can tell you that it was a bit of a mixed bag. I knew going into it that the layout of the base was going to make photography somewhat challenging, but combined with the distance of the show line, the weather, security restrictions, and massive traffic tie-ups made for a fairly wearying experience. That isn't to say though that we still didn't get some good photos and generally enjoy the show itself, it's more that it's debatable that it would be worth it to return or for a first time photographer to bother. We did attend both days, although we didn't spend the full day there on Saturday due to the weather as well as delays getting into the show. At any rate, on to the details about the show.

We were excited to attend Westover as I knew it was a C-5 Galaxy base, the massive USAF cargo aircraft which I had only ever briefly seen once before (on approach to CYOW over our house) and the opportunity to see one flown in the airshow wasn't to be missed. Also of major interest to us was the chance to see the RCAF CF-18 Hornet demo in its 75th Anniversary Battle of Britain colours which I knew I wouldn't see this year until September most likely. Aside from those attractions, other performers included several warbirds such as P-51 Mustangs "Never Miss" and "Bald Eagle", Corsair "Skyboss", TBM Avenger "She's The Boss" and B-25 Mitchell "Miss Hap". Aside from the warbirds, the USAF was represented by the aforementioned C-5 Galaxy and the F-22 Raptor demo team, with the USN providing the always entertaining Blue Angels team. The US Army Golden Knights and RCAF Snowbirds rounded out the military teams on display. Civilian performers were Sean D. Tucker in the Oracle Challenger, Rob Holland Ultimate Airshows with his MX-S/RH, and the GEICO Skytypers with their SNJ's.

The US Army Golden Knights kicked off the show timed with the US and Canadian national anthems, jumping from their Fokker C-31A Troopship. Following the Golden Knights, the warbird performers took to the air, represented by Mike Murphy's P-51D "Never Miss", Charlie Lynch's TBM Avenger "She's The Boss", and American Airpower Museum's FG-1D Corsair "Skyboss" and B-25 Mitchell "Miss Hap". While the warbirds were forming up, Sean D. Tucker also flew a short display in the Oracle Challenger. Following Mr. Tucker's display, the warbirds performed several racetrack passes as well as a formation pass, then Mark Murphy put his Mustang through its paces in an aerobatic display. As you can see from the warbird shots, the far show line made it a long reach even with the 150-600mm. Also, the south facing orientation of the show made for tough, hazy, backlit conditions for photography.

Following the warbirds display, the mighty Lockheed C-5 Galaxy returned to the show box after having taken off before the show to perform a few passes as well as a dirty pass demonstrating the sideways rotating and retracting nature of the massive landing gear. While slow moving and slow turning, seeing the enormous aircraft up close was a treat.

Up next was the much anticipated RCAF CF-18 Hornet demo in her new Battle of Britain colours. Capt. Denis "Cheech" Beaulieu performed the familiar but still entertaining routine featuring various high speed and slow high alpha and dirty passes. Again, the lighting made for a real challenge to photograph the beautiful colour scheme on the Hornet, hopefully I'll have a chance to see it again this year under more favourable conditions.

More RCAF action followed the Hornet with the world-famous Snowbirds, with their Canadair CT-114 Tutors entering their 45th year of service with the display team. It was great to hear the American crowd show their appreciation for the Canadian team, who performed with their usual professionalism and precision. The low show was performed Saturday due to cloud cover with the high show on Sunday.

Continuing in the formation team vein, the GEICO Skytypers next took to the skies in their vintage North American Aviation SNJ-2 and -4 aircraft, demonstrating a variety of WWII-era training maneuvers that student fighter pilots would have learned in that period. The snarl of those P&W Wasp radial engines always makes me smile!

The Golden Knights performed again with a slightly more extensive performance than in the morning, leading into Sean D. Tucker's next performance in the Oracle Challenger. Mr. Tucker pushes his aircraft hard and is a lot of fun to watch, especially his extremely low passes done at high speed.

While Sean Tucker was pushing his aerobatic aircraft around the show box, the roar of the F-22 Raptor and P-51D Mustang "Bald Eagle" could be heard in preparation for their routines. The F-22 performed its remarkable demo of speed and maneuverability unheard of in other jet fighters. I had seen it perform last year at Rhode Island and this year's performance was no less thrilling than before. With its solo demo done, the Raptor was joined by Jim Beasley in his Mustang for several passes in the USAF Heritage Flight, a very stirring sight with the pinnacle of fighter aircraft technology of their respective eras on display. The Saturday display had the added benefit of the damp air providing some fantastic vapour action on the Raptor, despite the grey skies and low clouds.

With the Raptor and Mustang returned to the ground, Rob Holland then proceeded to wow the crowd with his MXS/RH aerobatic aircraft. Mr. Holland flies a rambunctious routine that seems a little more wild and unpredictable than Sean Tucker, an interesting contrast between the two pilots.

With the conclusion of Rob Holland's display, the Blue Angels' transport aircraft, the C-130 Hercules "Fat Albert" blasted into the sky. Fat Albert did some passes at considerable speed for a turboprop transport, and then demonstrated a tactical assault landing. Unfortunately, due to the distance of the show line as well as the layout of the aircraft parking area, much of the landing and demonstrating of Fat Albert taxiing in reverse was hard to see, let alone photograph.

For the finale, the Blue Angels pilots and ground crew made quite the choreographed spectacle of performing their ground checks through to the engine starts and finally taxiing to takeoff position. Our spot along the show line directly in front of team lead Capt. Tom Frosch's number 1 F/A-18 Hornet gave us a great view of the ceremonial prep and departure. The Blue Angels form up their 4 ship formation on the ground for takeoff with the solo aircraft 5 and 6 taking off in the opposite direction, making for a unique start to the performance. Once in the air, the Blue Angels alternated formation and solo passes, with the solos performing quite a few opposing passes, thrilling to watch due to the speed and power of their Hornets. The Blue Angels finished their fairly lengthy routine with some excellent 6 ship formations, splitting up at the end to return to earth.

There was a lot to enjoy at The Great New England Airshow, but I'd have to say that there was a lot that would prevent me from returning as well, short of seeing something utterly unique to Westover. From a photographic perspective, the south facing nature of the airfield is problematic. It can be worked around but it's hardly ideal. Nothing that can be done about that though. More major issues though are access in and out of the base. Arriving at the base when the gates open was fine, but any later than that resulted in major delays driving onto the base, then standing in massive lineups to pass through security (more on that in a moment). On Saturday, we weren't that concerned because the weather was not great, but our start to finish time to enter the show was approximately 2.5 hours. The base only has two gates and all traffic funnels through them, surely using off-site parking and busing attendees in would be a better solution? As for security, especially regarding what could and couldn't be brought into the show, it was highly confusing with completely contradictory instructions both on web/social media and from National Guard troops on site. A friend with a Lowepro slingbag was allowed in with no issue, whereas Ann was turned back with the exact same bag, then allowed in with some camera gear in her "purse" (actually a camera bag as well but more of a satchel type bag). I have no issue with security measures and with last year's Boston Marathon attacks, I am very much on-board with the necessity of those measures, but if you're going to make lists of what can be brought in, please have a clear policy and stick to it. On Sunday we didn't even bother with bags and just carried our gear in our hands, with the assumption of low chance of rain. I'd rather that the policy be no bags whatsoever, that way security is faster and everyone is treated fairly.

On a technical level, I used my Canon 6D with the Sigma 150-600mm OS DG HSM Sports lens used both handheld (for faster aerobatic shots) and on a Jobu Designs gimbaled monopod. This was the first time I had used this combination and I'm glad I had the monopod for support for the Sigma as shooting handheld with this lens all day wouldn't be a pleasant activity. The 6D did ok, showing its shortcomings with regard to AF performance and burst shooting rate, both being on the slow side. With practice it's workable though and until such time as I can afford a higher grade body, it'll be the combo I use for most aviation stuff. I am however very pleased with the image quality of the Sigma. Static shots were with my EOS M and EF-S 10-22mm f3.5-4.5. Ann used her Canon 60D with EF 300mm f4L IS and 24-105mm f4L IS.

All that said, the show itself was good, well paced, with an interesting lineup. If you're in the west Massachusetts area and want to take in a good show, it's worth seeing. Be forewarned, plan to arrive at gates open, and prepare to take a long time (2 hours in our case) to get off the base at the end of the day. As a photographer, I can't really recommend it due to the south facing setup, the far show line, and inconsistent security, unless you're local to Westover ARB and don't plan on attending any other shows. I'm glad I went The Great New England Airshow, but unless I happen to be in the area, I'll be scheduling alternative events for that weekend in the future.

PS: I also have to mention something which I forgot to include the first time around, the Laurel and Hardy act next to us was both sad and hilarious. Two guys that were taking photos fancied themselves important enough to have 2 extra chairs to use as a buffer zone around the two of them as well as cordoning off their little fiefdom with caution tape. I'm amazed no security people hassled them about it, it was definitely one of the more obnoxious things I've seen photographers do at an airshow. Real classy there guys.

Airshow Review: 2014 Waterloo Airshow

RCAF BAe CT-155 Hawk

RCAF BAe CT-155 Hawk

June 28th turned out to be a beautiful day for an airshow, thankfully for the organizers of the 2014 Waterloo Airshow which had been plagued in previous years by terrible weather. It was an excellent mixed bag of past and present aircraft as well as a couple of comedy and pyro acts to shake things up a bit. RCAF aircraft in the show were the CF-18 Hornet demo, the Snowbirds, and the CH-146 Griffon flying a tactical demo, and with a BAe CT-155 Hawk and Beech King Air 90 on static display.

CF-18 Hornet Demo, piloted by Capt. Adam 'Manik' Runge

CF-18 Hornet Demo, piloted by Capt. Adam 'Manik' Runge

Warbirds included Yankee Air Museum's B-17G "Yankee Lady" which flew a couple of times during the show, as well as the Canadian Harvard Association's Formation Team. On the jet side of things, airshow producer Richard Cooper flew his Aero L-29 Delfin, as well as Jet Aircraft Museum's CT-133 Silver Star "Mako Shark" putting in a nice routine. Danny Richer of Brantford also flew his very attractive BAC Strikemaster which I hadn't seen in person before.

Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association Formation Team

Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association Formation Team

Aerobatics were strongly represented with Mike Tryggvason opening the show unofficially with his Giles 202, Mike Wiskus of Lucas Oil Airshows in his Pitts Special flying several times throughout the show, Wayne Hadath and his F1 Rocket, and Gord Price flying in his Yak-50.

F1 Rocket - Wayne Hadath

F1 Rocket - Wayne Hadath

Also featuring in the show were Kent Pietsch with his Jelly Belly Interstate Cadet, and the Indy Boys' Jet School Bus and Jet Outhouse. Static aircraft aside from the RCAF's Hawk and King Air 90 were Commemorative Air Force's P-51C "Tuskegee Airmen" and B-17G "Sentimental Journey", Yankee Air Museum's B-25J "Yankee Warrior", Jet Aircraft Museum's de Havilland Vampire (as of yet not flying), Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association's Harvard Mk IV "Bessy" and Yale, Danny Richer's T-28B Trojan, Charlie Cartledge's Grumman TBM Avenger, and Air Heritage Museum's C-123 "Thunder Pig".

Mike Wiskus passing close to the flame from the Indy Boys' Jet School Bus

Mike Wiskus passing close to the flame from the Indy Boys' Jet School Bus

Overall, it was a great show. Unfortunately due to other commitments I was unable to see the Snowbirds fly. They were delayed somewhat by a technical issue with one of their Tutors, and I had to leave the show for an evening concert photoshoot. My only complaint about the show was with having several very cool aircraft on static display only, namely the Mustang, B-17G "Sentimental Journey" and B-25J "Yankee Warrior". I think an excellent opportunity for a formation demo featuring the two B-17's, the B-25, and the P-51 was missed, which would have made the show perfect in my mind. However, I'm sure there were logistical issues to prevent such a thing from being organized, but one can always wish for these things! All the same, it was a great show and I'll be sure to see it next year. Check out the gallery below for more shots, as well as my Waterloo Air Show 2014 Flickr album.

Airshow Review: CFB Trenton Open House

Hercules, Harvard II, CF-18 Hornet, and Polaris

Hercules, Harvard II, CF-18 Hornet, and Polaris

Canadian Forces Base Trenton is home to 8 Wing of the RCAF and they've been known to host open houses of the base every so often, sometimes with flying displays and sometimes not. This year, they had a small but highly entertaining flying display on a beautiful Saturday, May 31st consisting of a couple of Hercules (one SAR C-130H model and one tactical airlift C-130J), a very impressive Search and Rescue demo from one of 424 Squadron's CH-146 Griffon helicopters, appearances by Vintage Wings of Canada's Harvard and Mustang IV, and closing with a BAE CT-155 Hawk trainer from 15 Wing Moose Jaw.

RCAF CH-146 Griffon of 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron

RCAF CH-146 Griffon of 424 Transport and Rescue Squadron

On static display were a C-17 Globemaster III, another H model Hercules, CT-156 Harvard II, CF-18 Hornet, another SAR Griffon, Beech Super King Air, CC-150 Polaris tanker, and a CC-144 Challenger VIP transport. Also on hand were multiple ground-based support units for the base, including the very neat portable cable arrest system used in conjunction with CF-18 operations.

Vintage Wings of Canada's Mustang IV

Vintage Wings of Canada's Mustang IV

All in all, it was only an hour and a half in length, but the aerial display did not disappoint, and the ground displays were also very interesting and informative. Well worth the drive from Ottawa to see. More photos in the gallery below, and more still in my CFB Trenton Open House Flickr album.

Airshow Review: 2014 Rhode Island Air National Guard Open House

The US Navy Blue Angels

The US Navy Blue Angels

A couple of weekends ago, Ann and I made the trip from Ottawa to Rhode Island, to see the RI ANG Open House Air Show. The lineup was too good to pass up on a show that was within a day's drive, so we packed up and went. The weather was unbelievably cooperative as the forecast had called for rain on Saturday right up until that morning. Sunday was to be partly cloudy, so we opted to skip Saturday's show (oops, once we saw the beautiful clear weather) and go Sunday. The weather Sunday wasn't as great, but still good, and all the same we weren't disappointed. This year's lineup was an impressive one, ranging from civilian aerobatic acts, to vintage warbirds, to modern combat aircraft and the US Navy Blue Angels. Entry to the show was very well organized, even with the enhanced security (no coolers or backpacks allowed). The National Guard troops doing the screening were friendly and efficient.

USAF Boeing C-17 Globemaster III

USAF Boeing C-17 Globemaster III

On to the show itself, Sean D. Tucker took to the air first in the Oracle Challenger III biplane performing an exciting routine demonstrating his skills and his aircraft's incredible power and maneuverability. The Challenger III is tiny, but 400hp in a 1200lb aircraft is an impressive thing. Next up was the Collings Foundation's Grumman FM-2 Wildcat with a fairly short demo with some nice passes. Following the Wildcat, the John Klatt Airshows Air National Guard MX-S and Jack Link's Extra 300L took off together to do a duo act with some exciting close maneuvering and smoke work. Following them was Rob Holland's thrilling routine in his MX-S/RH, with many moves appearing to defy physics and possibly his sanity. Mr. Holland pushes his act a little further every time I see it, always introducing a new maneuver or two with each year. Lessening the intensity a bit, Julie Clark took her wonderfully polished Beech T-34 up for a spin with a routine focusing more on graceful precision flying than wild stunts. First of the day's Mustangs to take to the air, Mark Murphy's P-51D "Never Miss" made a lovely racket with her Packard Merlin, with Mr. Murphy putting his aircraft through a nice aerobatic display.

Sean D. Tucker in the Oracle Challenger III

Sean D. Tucker in the Oracle Challenger III

With a brief interlude of the Geico Skytypers taking off in their SNJ's and the TF-51 Mustang "Bum Steer" taking off to warm up for their displays, the USAF's F-22 Raptor then took to the skies. At that point, I was happy enough and the show could have ended there. The Raptor was more remarkable than I expected, looking very sci-fi ish with its low observable shape and vectoring exhaust nozzles. It was pushed through a fast paced routine that showcased its incredible maneuverability (especially for an aircraft its size!) which at times seemed like an impossibility, with it performing stalls and hovering type moves much like the smaller aerobatic planes earlier. The Raptor was then joined by the TF-51 and another Mustang, the P-51D "Bald Eagle" to perform several passes for the USAF Heritage Flight. The Raptor with the two Mustangs was a beautiful sight, the pinnacle of fighter aircraft from the World War II and the modern age together. Following a couple of brief solo passes by each of the three aircraft, they landed to be replaced in the sky by the 6 ship formation act the Geico Skytypers. The Skytypers put on a solid show of nice 4 ship formation maneuvers with two solos adding in some exciting head on passes and other stunts.

USAF F-22 Raptor

USAF F-22 Raptor

Next up was the USMC MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft. I hadn't seen one since living in Halifax, NS in the early 2000's when one was at Shearwater for testing, and seeing it demonstrated in RI did not disappoint. It performed some high speed passes followed by some precision hover and transitioning moves showing its unique capabilities. Another Collings Foundation aircraft, the Douglas A-1E Skyraider was next with some nice passes with possibly the best light of the day yielding some very good photo opportunities. Sean D. Tucker then gave another high-energy performance in the Challenger III, followed by the ridiculously fun Jack Link's Jet WACO "Screamin' Sasquatch". The Jet WACO is a 1929 Taperwing WACO with a GE CJ610 turbojet engine added, resulting in what was demonstrated as an almost non-existent takeoff run to vertical flight. It was fun to watch and it made a lot of racket too!

US Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey

US Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey

With the Jet WACO returning to the ground, the Horsemen aerobatic team to the skies in their Grumman 'Cats, with a pair of F8F Bearcats and a F7F Tigercat, none of which I'd ever seen in person before. The Horsemen flew a beautiful routine with the big radials of their 'Cats making a lovely sound. Once the Grumman fighters were on the ground, the Blue Angels' support C-130 Hercules "Fat Albert" roared into the air. "Fat Albert" did some great high speed passes followed by a demonstration of the short-field assault landing, kicking up debris and then proceeding to reverse taxi and turn in front of the crowd to make its way back to the tarmac.

Blue Angels' C-130T "Fat Albert"

Blue Angels' C-130T "Fat Albert"

The final part of the show was the much awaited Blue Angels, with a slight delay due to technical issues with their number 5 aircraft resulting in their two-seater number 7 F/A-18 Hornet being subbed in for the performance. The Blue Angels were every bit as impressive as expected, with the 4 ship diamond showing some super-tight formation work and the two solos performing some very exciting individual and duo maneuvers. The Blue Angels routine came to a close after the two solos joined the rest of the team for several 6 ship formations and then coming back to earth.

US Navy Blue Angels

US Navy Blue Angels

All in all, the RI ANG Open House was well worth the trip and one I will be most likely making again. Well organized, good location, and an excellent lineup made it a show that was one of the better ones I've seen in a while. Enjoy the gallery below of some more shots of the show! For even more photos of the show, check out my Flickr page.